

The effluent treatment plants are designed to treat the effluent coming from different process of the plant. The treatment of different effluents varies with the type of effluent.

The industrial effluent treatment plants involve different stages of treatment including physio- chemical treatment and biological treatment followed by tertiary treatment. Integrated functions with simple control make the operation much easier. Our engineers can also custom design the effluent treatment plants based on the specific application requirement of the customers. Our Industrial effluent treatment plants have a compact design and can be easily installed on the site.

  • To design the plant to meet the specific requirements of the customers.
  • Each and every process is modified to perfectly suit local conditions thereby ensuring hassle free operations.
  • The ultimate goal of the proposed sewage treatment plant is to produce high quality reclamation water and conforming to the standards stipulated by pollution control board.
  • Ensure cost effectiveness, easy to operate and reduce the O & M Cost.

Primary treatment includes bar screen chamber, Coagulation equipment, Flocculation equipment, Primary Clarifier and Neutralizing Agents. It features assures levels of heavy metal removal. The Level of pretreatment adjusted to meet downstream equipment tolerances. Special recovery systems for recovering Acids, Precious Metals and other effluents.

Biological Systems complete with diffuser-based aeration systems. These systems are made for High rate removal of COD/BOD thus offering highest level of treatment possible. Proven technology for removal of Ammonia from waste water that contain high amount of ammonia. Very high COD removal for given electrical power consumption. High ruggedness with many installations working in hostile environment. Treated effluents Ideally suited for feed to tertiary RO plants for recycling back to process

Tertiary treatment involves UF and RO plant for recovering more than 80% of water & recycle back to process. The reject is fed to Evaporator to complete process of zero discharge

  • What is the basic purpose of installing the system? – Govt regulation / Strong need for recycling / To get PCB consent / Caring environment
  • Nature of your Industry? Residential / Manufacturing / IT Complex / Restaurant / Hotel / Hospital / Mall / Any Other?
  • New Project OR Modifications / Upgradation in existing system (Please provide details about existing system as – Pictures, Capacity, BOQ, etc.
  • Total No of Workers / occupants / staff / people those are going to use this project?
  • Expected total quantity of Sewage generated on daily basis (Lit / day)?
  • Space availability- Allocated area in terms of Length X Width X Height (in Meter)?
  • Types of System: Civil / Containerized / MS-Package / Compact-Modular?
  • Any specific Technology- ASP / MBBR / SAFF / MBR / Anaerobic? etc.
  • Output Treated Water Quality in terms of TSS & BOD (Or attach specific requirement)
  • Final usage of treated Water – Gardening / Toilet Flushing?
  • Do you have your own civil construction contractor / team?

how can we help you?

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We have encountered instant and precise calibration services through Simplisol Technologies Pvt. Ltd. They use advance instruments & technology for calibration and get the work done in time. We recommend them for all industries for their excellent services……

M/s Goa Carbon Ltd
Nessai, Goa, M/s Goa Carbon Ltd

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